Skill Mix of Staff
On every shift we provide a senior carer who works with other carers. The senior carer will have, or be working towards NVQ level 3, is competent at administering medication (as assessed by the manager), the senior is responsible for the running of that shift.
In addition to this Blenheim Court runs a key worker system whereby every resident has a suitably qualified member of care staff allocated to him/her. This enables care staff to build quality and individual relationships with the person they key work.
At Blenheim Court Care Home we believe that training and information are vital components in the running of the home and delivery of care. All staff take part in workshops that explore experiences of people with dementia and learn skills which improve communication. Our staff have a twelve week training period when they first start to comply with the Care Cerificate.
During this twelve week period, new members of the team shadow competent staff, also having to complete a number of mandatory training courses
Mandatory training courses consist of:-
- Dignity in care
- Falls training
- Diabetic Awareness
- Pressure Care
- Deprivation of Liberty
- Dementia Awareness
- Mental Capacity
- Infection Control
- Incontinence Care
- Catheter Care
- Bereavement
- Safeguarding Adults
- Fire Training
- Health & Safety
- First Aid
- Moving & Handling
- Food Hygiene
- Medication
Additional Training
- National Diploma Level 2 in Health and Social Care
- National Diploma Level 3 in Health and Social Care
- Kitchen Management Leadership & Supervision
- National Diploma Level 3 in Hospitality and Training