

Carers will strive to preserve and maintain dignity at all times. Carers will be appropriately qualified to deliver the highest standards of care. A continuous staff training programme is implemented to ensure that these standards are maintained in line with the latest initiatives and developments in care practices as laid down by appropriate legislation and regulatory guidelines. This will be monitored through a comprehensive policy of supervision, induction and training by the management team.


We often find the admission of a loved one to a home can be extremely distressing. We have an open door policy and we always offer any support to the family which includes introduction to other family members, telephone numbers of support groups, open visiting policy and sometimes just tea and sympathy. Our staff are never too busy to listen or try to help.

Admission Procedure

Admission to the Alexandra Residential and Nursing Home will take place after an in-depth assessment of need has taken place by the Manager of the home.

After the assessment of need is completed a decision will be made by the Manager whether or not the Alexandra Residential and Nursing Home can meet the person’s needs. We endeavour to complete this process as quickly as possible.

Emergency Admissions

If an emergency referral comes via the discharge lounge or via a social worker and or health professional, the manager will liaise with the referrer to carry out an assessment of the resident’s needs.

A verbal agreement will be reached and the resident will be admitted as usual. The plan of care will be completed within 48 hours.